
Branigan Teens! 2017 Summer Reading Program

June 1st – July 31st

Each participant Grades 5-12, will receive a BINGO card.

A prize will be awarded for each BINGO (up to 5 prizes, while supplies last)

There are activity calendars for June and July.  Pick them up when you come in to sign up for the challenge.

Prize levels are:

1. Build Your Bag!(A tote bag and your choice of 2 prizes: Earbuds, pen, highlighters, glow Frisbee, color changing cup, or mobile device stand & cleaner)

2. Bank on it! – Choose a colored Lego coin bank to add to your bag

3. Branigan Library Water Bottle

4. Choose your own! (add 2 more prizes to your tote from the choices above)

5. Branigan Notebook and Pen set

A “blackout” BINGO card (all squares complete) will receive the Grand Prize: a 2GB Branigan Teens flash drive bracelet! Essential for school

9 thoughts on “

  1. I’m hoping to get a blackout on the bingo card. I really enjoy reading and love the branigan library. I’m always begging my mom to go there to get new books. every year I can’t wait for the reading program. It is so exciting and interesting!

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